HomeምርቶችGift Box

Gift Box

According to box shape:

Paper gift box include many box structures such as lid and base box, paper drawer box, magnetic gift box, shell box, round gift box, square gift box, irregular gift box, heart shape gift box and so on

According to function:

There are flower gift box, wine gift box, perfume gift box, chocolate gift box, watch box, clothing box, paper jewelry box ,paper cosmetic box and so on.

We are committed to offering packaging solutions to help customers improve sales volume.

Any inquiries on our gift boxes,welcome to contact us at any time.

Gift Box

Gift Box Marble Design

Black Gift Box Ribbon

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አዲስ ምርቶች




ስለ እኛ


እኛ ኢሚልያምን እናነጋግርዎታለን

በፍጥነት ከእርስዎ ጋር ሊገናኝዎ እንዲችል የበለጠ መረጃ ይሙሉ

የግላዊነት መግለጫ: - የእርስዎ ግላዊነት ለእኛ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው. ኩባንያችን ግልፅ የሆነ ፈቃዶችዎን ለማጣራት የግል መረጃዎን ላለመስጠት ተስፋ ላለመግለጥ ተስፋ እንዳለው.
