HomeAħbarijietEstablish Personal Aesthetic Ability And Modeling System.

Establish Personal Aesthetic Ability And Modeling System.


The practice of color is very helpful for the induction and analysis of color. The design of color needs to have a strong ability to summarize color, select fewer colors to express rich color feelings, which is the basic design of color designers to master. If color is regarded as an important element of design, then, for designers, their color sense is also an indispensable quality. Many books have been published on design colors and decorative colors. Box With Window Jpg

In these books, you can see a lot about the principles of color. Therefore, this book tries to avoid a large number of informative introductions, and focuses on the introduction and development of color methods, the use of examples to elaborate a variety of color combination methods, focusing on practical operation and application ability. The purpose is to guide beginners to do a wide range of modeling experiments, so as to establish personal aesthetic ability and modeling system.

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